Sunday, March 9, 2008

review about the Saving Nature,But Only for Man

As we all know that, we could catch fish in the river with our hand in a few years ago, but now we even can not catch any fish using fishnet. What happens and what lead to this phenomena? Maybe some person would say that the pollution is really critical now and that is the reason for it, but i want to ask what lead to pollution and who is the main cast in this behavior. I think the report, named Saving Nature,But only for Man, gives us the answer. The most part of reasons for the pollution to the nature comes from our human.
As the report maintioned, now most people like to show that they are lovers of mother nature, but it also indicates that we have make the pollution to our mother nature. In this report, we can see that it is calling people to learn more about nature and leading people to know that nature is not so benignity. What is more, we can see that we should take care of nature, not the nature charge us, so we should make balance with nature, then we can get our kind nature back. But what should we do for our nature in the report maintioned?
In the report we can infer that we should know which side is more meaningful such as between family and owl, we should choose family, so we should take care of the livelihood. And now our fate and that of nature are inextricably bound up, so we should take measures for our nature and balance the against health. What we should do for the threatened atmospheric is on the way for our human to do. The sentimental environmentalists will call some saving nature with a totally wrong frame of mind, so they should build up their new mind and do some thing for our nature.
Green house,Ozone depletion are being the most curious problems , so our human should practice sane environmentalism and do what we can do for our nature.


Syeda said...

You did not meet the questions BB set for this blog post...I guess better you review your post...andf by the way you must have had your peer do show some gratitudes dear..hehe...write his/her name at the end of the post;)

Ragnarok said...

Hmmm Syeda.....maybe your words are abit harsh but i think he is just less expressive in his views and quote the article to help him express it out the way he wants it to mean

Syeda said...

No offence please...just as a friend I wrote that way:( If its sorry:(

Kwon Hyuk Jin said...

I think I can understand how you feel about nature now.