Sunday, February 3, 2008

solving the problem of drinking water in Singapore

As all of us know, now the economy and technology have developed much, but the problem of shorting of drinking water becomes more critical, such as Singapore. So what the government of Singapore should do is really important in solving this problem.
In the past few years, many countries have developed some advanced technological techniques to meet the demands of fresh water, but the cost is more than their benefit. The government of Singapore can imply these techniques, but I think the government should also develop another technique to solve this question. As we know, the drinking water comes from nature,so we should make use of nature or nature similarity.We can use some advanced science and technology to invent a kind of biology material which has the property of redusing the new water from the salt water, so we can put them on the bottom bed of the sea around Singapore, so we can reduse the bad effect of the salt water on the underearth water in Singapore and also help to produce more fresh water and then we can dig some wells to get drinking water.
What is more, the government of Singapore should also call its citizens to build up the opinion of saving water to save the resource.

1 comment:

Brad Blackstone said...

Tahnks, Brian, for your post. I would like to know specifically what the problem with drinking what is. Do you mean there is a shortage? Do you alos mean to say that fresh water should be distilled from saltwater?

Thanks for your post!